william king and antonio murray pictures

William A. We Will Not Share Email Addresses, Or Other Info, Everything Is Kept Private. The officers distributed the drugs they seized to other dealers with whom they were aligned, and pocketed cash and collected money from subsequent sales. The federal system has no parole, but attorneys said the former officers could be released to halfway houses soon after their sentence reductions, according toThe Baltimore Sun. The black hole had pulled him back in. King and Murray watched from across the courtroom as Davon described how their partnership began and what he did to enable the FBIs sting operation. Ironically, the case . Since turf battles between the FBI and local law enforcement agencies around the country are not uncommon, federal agents tasked with investigating police officers have to be especially careful about pursuing charges of wrongdoing, lest they be perceived as pushing a hidden political agenda. 1951 (2000) (Count 1); conspiracy to distribute cocaine base, cocaine, heroin, and marijuana, in violation of 18 U.S.C . You need JavaScript enabled to view it. By submitting your email to receive this newsletter, you agree to our, Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information. Wolf wanted to know why he had decided to turn on his former partners. Tell him were going to kill him, they said. Donations help with web hosting, stamps and materials and the cost of keeping the website online. n a humid summer day in 2004, Davon Mayer stepped out of his house on Bennett Place in the heart ofBaltimore. hen the case went to trial in March 2006, Davon was one of the first witnesses to take the stand. I dont trust King, Davon said. Davon gave King another call. At the end of his first days work, Davon had $750 in dollar bills. In addition to their police duties, they were required to act as city bailiffs about the markets, their compensation was fixed at $20 a month for their night work as lieutenants of the watch and they received an additional sum of $220 a year for the services mentioned in the ordinance. But Davon was back on Pennsylvania Avenue the very next day. Although he was nearing his 26th birthday, he still looked boyish. Left to die alone like an animal: Parents who left 23-stone disabled daughter to die in her own filth are Jeremy Clarkson is axed as Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? And for years, he has heard about "King and M He was taken to the western district police station, where he found himself in an interrogation room with King. Thank you so much for helping BCPH. A few weeks later, he packed up his things and left home. 1 March 1857 - First Detective Squad - The first squad of detectives was appointed by the mayor, under the New Police Bill in Dec of 1856, On this day in Baltimore Police History, 2 March 1979, we lost our Brother, Police Officer John H. Spencer to gunfire based on the following: http://www.baltimorepolicemuseum.org/index.php/en/component/k2/item/819-officer-john-h-spencer #BPDNeverForget, On this day in Baltimore Police History, 2 March 1924, we lost our brother Police Officer Frank L. Latham to gunfire based on the following: http://www.baltimorepolicemuseum.org/index.php/en/component/k2/item/987-patrolman-frank-l-latham #BPDNeverForget. When We Raise Funds, For Officers In Distress They No Longer Go Through Us. Kenny Driscoll if you have any pictures of you or your family members and wish them remembered here on this tribute site to Honor the fine men and women who have served with Honor and Distinction at the Baltimore Police Department. Attorneys for the men argued earlier this year that they would have received far shorter sentences today under reforms that were passed by Congress since the officers were convicted in 2006. A week later, on 30 December 2004, the agents met Davon again. In our conversations over the past two years, during which Davon continued to thrive, we had occasion to reflect on his lifes arc. A portion of your purchase will go toward funding this site, research for the museum, and toward the preservation of Baltimore Police Department's history. Prince Harry boasts about finding 'freedom and happiness' and jokes about reincarnation in unseen TV Behind-the-scenes at fashion week with the Spencers! On any other day, Davon would have been busy by this hour, trading vials of crack for cash on the pavement, keeping an eye out for the police. Throughout the investigation and the run-up to the trial, Davon had not thought much about what would happen after it was all over. When Davon failed to call, King had paid him a visit to let him know he wasnt playing around. That would make my grandmother proud., Main photograph: JM Giordano for The Guardian. He sensed an undertone of jealousy in the comments King made when he showed up wearing a new shirt or a new pair of shoes. He and Murray were not having as much luck as before in making seizures, as their raids had already put some smaller dealers, the softer targets, out of business. He had expected King to be alone but his partner, Murray, was in the car, too. - Robert F. KennedyDuring an interrogation, It was said to the suspect - "There are only two people who know who did this, I'm looking at one, and you're looking at the other"It is easier to stay out of trouble, than it is to get out of trouble!In order to be able to think you have to risk being offensive. Leaders look for others to recognize.If it feels like you are digging yourself into a hole - It's not too late to put your shovel downOur prime purpose in life is to help others, and if we can't help them, the at least we can do is not to hurt them. A few days later, Davon got a phone call from King telling him to come to the parking lot of a McDonalds in east Baltimore. As Baltimore police officers, William King and Antonio Murray misused their police power to benefit themselves. Anarchy is Anarchy. In the past, jail time for each gun-related conviction was 'stacked,' meaning the sentences were required to run consecutively. He had to make a lasting change. HERE, Click HERE or the PayPal pic Above to Donate. By this point, Davon had long since quit school and his drug-dealing career was taking off. ing was not a man of expensive tastes, but he was bad at managing his money. He had taken Davon to the police station and then let him go, asking that Davon call him. Davon had entered into the partnership believing it was a deal between equals. Over the next few days, he mulled over whether to return to Pennsylvania Avenue. [1][5] The police department's internal affairs division started investigating the two officers after receiving several tips. In the more recent case of Baltimore's Gun Trace Task Force - which robbed drug dealers, planted drugs and guns on innocent people and assaulted seemingly random civilians - the longest sentence of any officer was 25 years. If you have copies of: your Baltimore Police Department Class Photo, Pictures of our Officers, Vehicles, Equipment, Newspaper Articles relating to our department and or officers, Old Departmental Newsletters, Lookouts, Wanted Posters, and or Brochures. https://baltimorepolicemuseum.com/index.php/en/component/k2/item/921-police-matron-teresa-foll #BPDNeverForget, On this day in BPD History 20 March, 1885 we lost our Brother Patrolman August Harting after he died while on duty from Bright's Disease https://baltimorepolicemuseum.com/en/item/1092-augustus-harting.html #BPDNeverForget. Davon and the agents heard rustling noises as King searched. And there was another reason he had contacted the FBI, he explained. [2] I let him know from the start, he knew it, he understood it, he had the same knowledge I had, the only difference between us, I trusted the technique and I trusted myself to use the technique. But Wolf and Munoz had no evidence of what was transpiring inside the Chevrolet Lumina. His plan was to buy it and turn it into a safe space for teenagers, off the streets. He committed the offenses charged solely because of his long-ago terminated status as a police officer. When the lease on his apartment ended, he moved in with Keisha, but he kept her in the dark about the extent to which he had resumed his drug dealing. I really think I should have my attorney, he said, nervously. King and Murray were officers in the Baltimore Police Department's public housing drug unit, and would steal drugs from suspected dealers, redistribute them to dealers with whom they were aligned and collect money from the sales. At Kings sentencing, he told U.S. District Judge J. Frederick Motz that his actions came as a result of pressure to reduce crime and that there was a tacit acceptance of breaking the rules within the department. On this day in 1984 The Baltimore Colts leave Baltimore Bob Irsay moved the team in the dead of night on March 28 29, 1984. The board was also required to make regulations and define the hours of duty of the watch; see that they attended to their duties with punctuality, receive their reports and cause them to be returned to the Mayor's office. The date of observance moved to March 8 in 1913. He was worried that the detective could put him in jail whenever he pleased, if Davon didnt do his bidding. Today 20 March 1854 is the anniversary of the birth of the Republican party on in Ripon, Wisconsin. The officers were veterans assigned to the BPDs public housing drug unit, which no longer exists. s he built up a reputation for hard work, Davons boss gave him more drugs to sell and his earnings went up to more than $500 a day. I cant help you with that, Davon replied. His gun was used to kill a 26-year-old man eight days later. Davon told a friend, AC, who worked for a dealer in west Baltimore, that he wanted to make some money. Today in Baltimore City Police History 4 March 1933 - Our Radio Communication was established. At his sentencing, King described learning to commit crimes as a form of on-the-job training, and blamed immense pressure to reduce crime as . The judge at the time called the sentences grossly disproportionate to their crimes, and Congress has since passed sentencing reforms that, if the officers were convicted today, would have led to significantly lesser sentences, their attorneys say. Need some money, King said. One autumn evening, police picked Davon up as part of a street sweep operation a few blocks from Bennett Place. I urged him to look into college. On this day in BPD history 7 Mar 1933 we lost our Brother Lt. Cornelius J. Roche to a heart attack and paralytic stroke while working the Presidential Inauguration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt in Washington DC. So far, it sounded exactly like what Davon had been worrying about the detective wanted him to be an informant. A tall FBI agent named Richard Wolf was sitting inside with a colleague, the only two white faces on the street. See for yourself by trying this new quiz devised by cardiologists Bird flu HAS mutated to infect people: Fresh pandemic fears as scientists on ground zero in Cambodia find Police ban lawyer from climbing any tree in Northamptonshire after he scaled 100-year-old lime in bid to Amy Nuttall 'grew suspicious of cheating husband Andrew Buchan after fearing social media snaps of the actor 'It was like my entire world collapsed around me': ISIS bride Shamima Begum tells BBC podcast she considered Rishi Sunak comes under pressure to scrap 'death trap' smart motorways over scores of deaths and serious Baltimore Sun - We are currently unavailable in your region, Do not sell or share my personal information. You learn them from, also sometimes from other agencies.. When King and Murray began actively targeting Davons friends in the drug world, he interpreted it as a warning. Zara's husband announces a two-month tour with his rugby podcast 'We met a Princess'! Because King and Murray were convicted of extortion, drug and handgun offenses in addition to robbery. Attorneys for the men argued earlier this year that they would. 'Mr King is extremely grateful for the court's action, recognizing that his initial sentence was unwarranted by today's standards,' King's attorney Steve Levin told DailyMail.com. https://baltimorepolicemuseum.com/en/component/k2/item/1049-history-of-fop-lodge-3.html #BPD_History, Today 17 March 2021 our father, Charles Driscoll passed away. But this time the crack would have to be fake, since the FBI couldnt knowingly allow real drugs to be exchanged for money. Davon was short of money, and despite knowing that I was about to breach the barrier that is supposed to always keep a reporter separate from his subject, I paid the $80 fee he needed to register in the fall. The endless hours he spent telling me about his childhood and teenage years appeared to have given him an understanding of his story that he had never had before an appreciation of the complex interplay between the circumstances he found himself in at various points in his life and the choices he had made along the way. and Detective Badge #12 will never be issued or worn by another detective!'. Near the bottom of each bill, Wolf had scribbled his initials RJW with an ultraviolet pen. The entire block could be dirty and disheveled but the front of 947 Bennett Place was always spick and span. She looked like she was napping, but he touched her, and she was cold. William A. Well, when they go down, youll go down with them. By early May 2005, Wolf and Munoz along with other officials were convinced they had enough evidence to wrap up the investigation. After 2004, both King and Murray worked in the department's housing authority unit. From the calls, the FBI agents could deduce that the detectives were forcing dealers they nabbed into their vehicle and, after talking to them, letting them out. The sidewalks were deserted, and there were no signs of drug activity anywhere. The Wal-Mart was more than 20 miles from where he lived, and since he no longer had a car, he had to pay an acquaintance a few dollars a day to take him to work. He saw nothing in Kings expression to make him doubt that the proposition was serious. Im not going to live like this anymore, she said. Today in Baltimore Police History, 3 March 1967, Commissioner Pomerleau officially started the Baltimore Police Newsletter, it was distributed every payday to officers of our agency. He would call me every few weeks to share his dreams of starting his own business one day. Up until this point, Keisha had downplayed the consequences of his drug dealing in her mind, accepting it as something he simply couldnt get out of. Once he got the confidence he initially lacked and BTW he didn't lack confidence long, once he passed that block in his training, he was a machine. The resulting product was meant to have the yellowish color and the grainy texture of crack. Davon reserved the word Ma for his grandmother, Norma, who had raised him, along with his sister and a cousin. His father, Marvin Bunk Nutter, spent much of his sons childhood in jail on robbery and murder charges. And we cant do nothing to help you, King told him. Where he came from, there was nothing worse than helping the police. Before long, those around him knew he was one of, if not the best, and it would be better to confess and tell him what they wanted him to know, rather than to try and hold back and have him tell them everything about themselves, and the crime they committed. He put the bags of fake crack in a McDonalds paper bag and stashed it in the alley. At the time, the sentencing judge lamented having to hand them the stacked firearm sentences, calling it "absolutely disproportionate . Even though her husband earned enough for her to be able to feed and clothe the kids, she struggled to find the money to take care of their wants toys for Christmas, gifts on birthdays, an occasional afternoon out to the movies. He had been in the business long enough to know which dealers were selling what line of vials the red tops, purple tops, green tops, blue tops. Some of the dealers appeared to know what to expect, thanks to the reputation the cops had earned. William King and Antonio Murray, public housing drug cops taken down by the FBI in 2005, took their cases to trial and in 2006 were sentenced to staggering prison terms of 315 and 139 years, respectively. Within weeks, both of them had got so comfortable with the arrangement that there were times when they didnt even meet in person. Yet, without Keisha to hold him to account and to a lesser extent, my desire to tell a story I had always imagined to be one of redemption he could have easily slipped back into the black hole. Two former Baltimore police officers serving hundreds of years in prison for detaining and robbing drug dealers in the early 2000s had their sentences reduced to 20 years each by a federal judge. How do people survive off of this? he asked Keisha. Davon could usually guess who King and Murray had seized particular batches from. King and Antonio L. Murray are two former Baltimore Police Department officers sentenced to a total of 454 years (reduced to 20) in prison after an FBI investigation in 2005. Minutes later, a young woman with a sickly pallor came out of the apartment building; recognizing him right away as the seller, she asked him for a vial. King and Antonio L. Murray are two former Baltimore Police Department officers sentenced to a total of 454 years (reduced to 20) in prison after an FBI investigation in 2005. Davon transferred the boxes from the back of the SUV into his car, and drove out of the parking lot, experiencing a sense of security he had never imagined he would feel under the gaze of two police officers. Powerful Commons committee could look at case for banning stoves in towns and Was shielding necessary? After he began attending class, he returned to his optimistic self. Coupled with COVID-19 concerns, the attorneys are asking that the men be granted compassionate release. From the very first day of school, Davon felt a restlessness that quickly transformed into a yearning for his old life. Aside From That We Are Always Looking For Display Items. May 12, 2022 . Click HERE or the logo above to visit their site. He might not have become a drug dealer if he hadnt grown up on Bennett Place. That I got some kind of deal. His bond with both his daughters had been growing stronger each day, he told me. The comments below have not been moderated. What happened to your paycheck? Up to that moment, Davon hadnt shared the secret of his collaboration with anybody, not even his girlfriend, Keisha. Collect, curate and comment on your files. 'Over the past 16-plus years, Mr King has made significant efforts to rehabilitate himself through programs within the Bureau of Prisons and has expressed sincere remorse on numerous occasions. Davon, where did you get these shoes from? Tonya asked him. "Mr. King is grateful to the Court for recognizing that a . Leaders look for others to recognize. He agreed to give up his drug dealing. Toward the end of the summer, King became desperate to make more money. Today in Baltimore Police History 1 Jan 1857, came an important change under the provisions of this act; the ordinance introduced an entirely new order of things and placed Baltimore's Department of Police on practically the same footing as those of the other large cities of this country. Davon felt himself trembling a little as LJ looked him over from head to toe. He described how poor he felt now every time he walked into a mall with Keisha. https://baltimorepolicemuseum.com/en/component/k2/item/836-lt-cornelius-j-roche.html #BPDNeverForget, Epic Disaster Shook Curtis Bay with the Impact of a Tactical nuclear weapon, On this day in Baltimore Police History, 8 March 2000, we lost our brother Police Officer Jamie Allen Roussey - Based on the following - https://baltimorepolicemuseum.com/index.php/en/component/k2/item/834-officer-jamie-a-roussey #BPDNeverForget. After Davon had sold to her, he turned around to find a crowd of at least a dozen other buyers waiting on the sidewalk. King would hand Davon whatever drugs he and Murray had confiscated typically crack or heroin, occasionally marijuana. He just needed to believe in himself, so we worked on his confidence to show him he understood the technique and was as proficient as he needed to be to start using it in the interrogation room. The Baltimore Sun reported Monday that William King and Antonio Murray were sentenced in 2006 to prison terms of 315 and 139 years, respectively. [5] King worked with high-profile Baltimore City Police Department units throughout his career. Tap into Getty Images' global scale, data-driven insights, and network of more than 340,000 creators to create content exclusively for your brand. When do the clocks change in 2023? After the city of Baltimore proved we were willing to replace Memorial Stadium and Bobby Boy promised he would stay, he went home packed his office and fled this once great city. Tell us whos who here and whats going on.. Bit by bit, he saved up a few hundred dollars. [2] The conviction of King and Murray resulted from the Baltimore-based Stop Snitchin' campaign in which the two officers were identified on videotape for being involved in drug dealing. We respectfully suggest that continued incarceration is not necessary to protect the community from Mr. Murray, White wrote. As the months passed, he felt his patience for this new way of life depleting. At night, he would lie on the floor of his bare room, longing for the comfort of the bed he had left behind at Normas house. King handed him the McDonalds bag. [5] The injuries he suffered from this incident forced Murray off the job for almost two years. Once the drugs were sold, he would text King to let him know that he was coming over to deliver the money. Here's a link to an article on the newsletter as well as links to as many of the newsletters as we could find. It declared that after; 1 March 1857, The existing watch and police systems of the time would be ABOLISHED, and all ordinances for the establishment and regulation of the same be repealed. He was also concerned about Norma, who had been diagnosed with breast cancer. I hate it when people say you have a choice, he said. His duty was 'to walk through the streets, lanes, and alleys of the city daily, with mace in hand, (a mace was a Billy club) He was to make rounds, so that within a reasonable time he could visit all parts of the city, and give information to the Mayor, or other Magistrate, of all nuisances within the city, and all obstructions, and impediments in the streets, lanes, and alleys, as well as all offenses committed against the laws, and ordinances.' They were given large powers. Greg was right, Renny knew his stuff, and was ready to work with me on statements to become better at what we did (that is to say, I helped make him better, as much as he was working to make me better, we complimented each other and had fun knowing just how powerful this Statement Analysis technique could be. But he had no capital to invest and there was no way anybody would front him drugs. He was hooked on the money he was making. The house was in Keishas name; Davon paid her a part of the mortgage in the form of rent. In the weeks following the marijuana deal, King began calling Davon every few days. Please contact Det. Davon Mayer was a Smalltime Dealer in West Baltimore who made an Illicit deal with Local Police. Davon would take the drugs back to Bennett Place or Pennsylvania Avenue and offload them as quickly as he could. William A. Reporters are supposed to stay neutral about their subjects, but the more I got to know Davon, the more I slipped into the role of a supportive confidante. "Every society gets the kind of criminal it deserves. King and Antonio L. Murray are two former Baltimore Police Department officers sentenced to a total of 454 years in prison after an FBI investigation in 2005. Attorneys for the men argued earlier this year that they would have received far shorter sentences today under reforms that were passed by Congress since the officers were convicted in 2006. Davon studied Kings face in the rear view mirror. Wolf gave him $750, all in crumpled singles and five- and 10-dollar bills, as would be expected if the money had come from peddling crack on the street. -Will Rogers, Copyright 2002 - Baltimore City Police History - Baltimore Police Historical Society, INC - Ret Det Kenny Driscoll - We Have Never Been A For-Profit Website. Campaigns across Europe against WWI inspired women in other countries to adopt International Women's Day. Select from premium William King And Antonio Murray of the highest quality. They began to turn up the heat on Davon, secretly keeping track of who he was meeting with. King and Murray watched from across the courtroom as Davon described how their partnership began and what he did to enable the FBIs sting operation. You can also writeSkip Panowitz direct at the following email -Autocollectibles@verizon.netA portion of your purchase will go toward funding this site, research for the museum, and toward the preservation of Baltimore Police Department's history. Like many other boys in his neighborhood, he had long since stopped going to school and was dealing drugs full-time. [5] His gun was used to kill a 26-year-old man eight days later. He turned back to take another look at his grandfathers townhouse. They needed a microphone in the car. When they Turned on Him, he Decided to Get Out But Escaping that Life Would Not Prove as Easy as Falling Into It. Issue badge came along and is the Badge currently worn by Baltimore Police Officers to this day. When Davon was released three days later, his mental health was still fragile. Be informed of breaking news as it happens and notified about other don't-miss content with our free news alerts. He warned Davon to stay off the streets. Find William King And Antonio Murray stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. The detective looked at him with an even gaze, as if he were facing a stranger. Because of the courts action, Mr. King, an Army veteran, hopes that he can once again contribute to society in a positive way.'. You learn them from co-workers. Was this a set up? Davon felt he had taken a big step down in status. U.S. District Judge Theodore D. Chuang granted reductions for William King and Antonio Murray on . Over the following days, he called the number a few times but always hung up at the last minute, worried about the possible consequences for himself if he reported the matter to the FBI. When he got home, Davon began looking for a way to overcome the sense of powerlessness he had experienced. 'King and Murray' a familiar phrase in west-side neighborhood", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=William_King_and_Antonio_Murray&oldid=1064515305, American police officers convicted of crimes, Police officers convicted of drug trafficking, Articles to be expanded from September 2010, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 8 January 2022, at 19:41. On this day in Baltimore Police History 12 March 2001 we lost our Brother Police Agent Michael Joseph Cowdery, Jr. to gunfire based on the following - https://baltimorepolicemuseum.com/index.php/en/component/k2/item/908-agent-michael-joseph-cowdery-jr #BPDNeverForget. I know if I had chosen to go down the path that I was on, and if I werent in jail right now, I would be at the top of the game, he told me. Not long after, he looked up the website for the FBIs Baltimore field office. He wanted to get out of selling drugs for the sake of his newborn daughter. From Here On Out, We Have The Person We Are Assisting, Setting Up Their Own PayPal Accounts, And We Direct Donations To It. It saddened him to think that there were so many like him on these streets who had suffered what he had but didnt have a way out. He didnt want Tonya or Norma to see it, so he parked it a few blocks away and walked the rest of the way home. Neither Race, nor Color, nor Frustration is an excuse for either lawlessness, or anarchy. You for real? King said, surprised that the crack had sold so quickly. The inside of the trucks felt like an oven. While It Is True We No Longer Actively Seek Monetary Donations, We Will Take Small Donations To Help Pay Our Domain Name Fees, And Server Fees, We Only Ask For What We Need And Donations Go Straight To The Companies We Use. He wanted the crack sold as quickly as possible. Them as quickly as he could you have a choice, he mulled whether! Notified about other don't-miss content with our free news alerts car, too get these from. 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