4 out 1 in high post motion offense

The player attacking with the dribble can look to create shot for themselves, a kick out for a 3-pointer for a teammate, or an easy bucket on a dump pass to their post player on the weak side. For example, if a player is one of the teams best perimeter shooters, then that same player should always look to take perimeter jump shots when open. Their ability to drive the basketball begins with their guards and wings ability to play off the catch. Cutter finds the open spot in the zone, hooks in there, and looks for the ball. The guards are wide and will cross through to the opposite sides. Don't Pass and Stand - After passing, players must cut or move so that the defense is forced to stay locked in. 1 will slide in behind the space left of the wing while the players in the 3 and 4 positions look to create space for a kick out. If the perimeter defenders fall asleep or decide to choke the post, this action can lead to easy back door cut or open three. The offense will have a minimum of two on-ball screening elements per possession so these in turn generate opportunities to gain advantages and exploit defensive rotations. To start, 4 receives the ball from 1 and after that, 1 cuts through to the right side corner. After that, 1 dribbles toward the basket near the left side and 4 rolls to the rim. Remember: what your post player does is depending on how they fit into your offense. If the defender is one step away, the player must use a v-cut to get open. At the same time, 3 could cut to the right slot area via the wide pin down screen set by 4. Two players in the corners (2 and 3). Is there a similar article for the 4-1 m.o. Perimeter players either basket cut or screen away when you pass and/or when you're covered. Have to attack if you're not making outside shots. etc.Thanks Joe. Post Screening for the Slot 2. Afterwards, 1 receives the ball from C1 and takes the jump shot. Furthermore, it is possible to swap the two slot lines to run the drills on the opposite side of the court. 1 passes to 2. Use the Hook and Look when passing and cutting. Instead of the lob pass, pass to the corner. "Counter" Tendency to Over Dribble - Since the dribble drive motion offense relies on dribble penetration, it's possible that some players will elect to dribble immediately when there are better options like passing to a teammate. Additionally, 5 could receive the ball from 1 and score near the rim. By keeping your post player on the weak side you keep the lane open for driving, cutting, and passing for the rest of the team and put them in an excellent position to get an offensive rebound or a dish for an easy bucket. At the same time, 4 could lift up towards the right side wing. This progression will be easier and quicker than the first because were only adding another type of cut - the back cut. As that roll action occurs, 4 replaces at the top near the right slot while 3 drifts down to the left corner. , Welcome to the ultimate guide to basketball drills! Generally speaking, players should be about 12 to 15 feet apart from each other to create good spacing. To start, 2 cuts to the right side wing from the adjacent corner to receive the ball from 1. He didn't have many tall post players, but he did have a lot of quick guards who could get to the rim. This alone puts the idea of the shot in the defenders mind, opening up the ability to attack off the catch. Ian MacKinnon - if 1 does not get a pass from 4 on the bump and fade, when X1 recovers from behind 3's screen 1 goes opposite, middle or baseline. On the pass to the wing, the 5 man rotates from the weak side dunker spot to the strong side block and ducks in for a potential post entry. If the on-ball defender executes pressure defense against the player with the ball at the top or near the slot several feet away from the three-point arc, then one of the post players could set an on-ball screen such as a flat screen or angled ball screen near the mid-line at the top to act as a pressure release. Next, 3 could execute a curl cut to the basket via a wide pin down screen set by 4. Great description! When post player is on the block, cut to elbow (to maintain spacing) and then clear to opposite corner. Otherwise, if X5 slides over to help protect the basket, then 5 could receive the ball from 1 and then score at the rim. Following the screen Five (5) and Three (3) move to receiver spots looking for seal and ball side position for easy passing opportunity. Moreover, 3 should cut back to the right side corner while 2 fills the top area and 1 fills the vacant left side wing. This is an example of transition offense that eventually flows into 4 out 1 in motion offense scoring options with dribble drive elements. If your defender help down to the basket, pop out. If the wing cannot attack on the catch, their next option is to hit 5 for the early post up. Upon receiving the first pass, 4 must look to immediately attack the rim on the back of the point guard's cut which will catch the defense rotating. As theyre going to set the screen, the player should call out their teammates name and the player with the ball must wait until the screen is set before they try to use it. Following that, 1 should receive the ball from 4 via an outlet pass while 2 and 3 sprint to the corners. Two things to focus on during this progression: 1) every pass is followed with a basket cut and 2) on each cut, players fill towards the basketball. If a player on the wing attacks towards the middle of the key, the first thing they should be looking to do is score or pass to 5 for an open layup when their defender helps. 1 shaking up removes the possible tag or help defender on 5s roll. From there, 3 could receive the ball from 1 and score at the rim. In another example, one post player could be near the low or high post area while the other post player is near the opposite wing or corner. The four positions around the perimeter can be filled by any player (1-4). If he cannot get downhill and draws the screeners defender to help, he can hit 5 as he rolls to the rim. Never pass and stand - After passing, perimeter players can either cut, screen away . A straight cut is the player coming off the screen and filling the spot that was occupied by the player who set the away screen. Post player stays on weak-side and looks to post when balls comes back to him. If the corner defender starts anticipating the fill and cheats up, back cut behind the defender and seal. As the ball is being reversed from one side of the floor to the other, the 5-man sprints to set a ball screen for the ball handler in the opposite slot. , Basketball coaches have to think on their feet and adjust quickly when it comes to offense Next, lets say that 1 decided to dribble drive towards the basket, particularly from the left slot, if no other options were available. If the ball is dribbled at you, back cut. The 4-1 Offense High On-ball Screen provides a number of positives for a team. From there, 5 could receive the ball near the low post block and score with a post move. Welcome to HoopsKing.com Instructional Basketball Company! The Urslavik 12th Infantry, one of the genetically-engineered Genos regiments employed by the Emperor of Mankind during the Unification Wars on Terra. This flow and pattern then continuesIf the slot (2) passes to the wing (1), he thru cuts to the weak side wing and the remaining players (3 & 4) rotate to fill the next perimeter spots. Anticipate the shot. If the high low action is not there, then 3 could receive the ball from 4 instead. One (1) dribbles towards Four (4) and executes either; an on-ball screen following a pass or hand-off with Four (4). Lack of Offensive Guidelines - The dribble drive offense can be difficult for players who are used to being told exactly what to do and exactly when to do it (set plays do this). Williamson's season-best was back in November in a home win over Georgia (24 points). Two (2) then moves off the screen and lifts to three point line. Put players in 4 out 1 in spots. One (1) utilises on-ball screen and continues onto opposite side elbow extended. The dribble at move is when the player with the basketball dribbles at a teammate which can lead to: a dribble handoff or a back cut. Furthermore, 2 and 3 drift down to the corners. When a slot player executes a pass to the wing or opposite slot, that same slot player should execute a cut, usually towards a corner, or set a screen, typically away from the ball. Great ideas, and absolutely a great website to reference to! Thank you! Oftentimes simple plays work the best. Here are several set plays for the 4-Out "High" offense: Topside and Counter, Flash, Jet-Back, Slip, Swing, Fist, Pitt, and the Weave-Screen Plays. With all the movements going on within this offense, the defense will constantly be trying to recover to close out on their player. When the ball gets passed to the wing, particularly from the slot and there is a low post player on that same side, the wing player should try to execute a post entry pass whenever possible. "Topside" is a very simple play. Alternatively, the reversal can be initiated by a skip pass to Two (2) if Five has rolled to the basket follow the screen. Additionally, this type of action applies to a wing player as well. If the defender guarding the post entry passer decides to choke or help down on the post player, he gives up an open catch and shoot three (assuming the post entry passer sets a solid screen). In this offense, they must learn to move to open space on dribble penetration. If 5 receives the ball, but the opportunity to score is not there, then 3 could cut to the top near the right slot via stagger screens set by 1 and 4. (Dribble Hand Off Explained), Blocker-Mover Offense Complete Coaching Guide, Read and React Offense Complete Coaching Guide (20 Layers), Swing Offense Complete Coaching Guide (Includes Images), Dribble Drive Offense Complete Coaching Guide, How to Create a Youth Basketball Practice Plan, Parents: Please Stop Ruining Youth Sports, Zone Defense is Terrible for Youth Basketball, 21 Life Lessons Kids Learn Through Youth Sports, How to Win Every Youth Basketball Game (8 Terrible Tactics), 1-3-1 Zone Defense Complete Coaching Guide. 2. If they cannot shoot on the catch, they immediately look to drive before swinging the ball if no advantage is available. 1.After screening, always make a second cut towards the basket. My recommendation is to have specific play calls for each of these options as how they are set up varies slightly from the base offense. If they have a mismatch, take advantage of it and get to the hoop. The general principles that players should consider when executing the 4 out 1 in motion offense are to create good spacing, take high percentage shots, and play to their respective strengths. When you pass, always cut (instead of screening away). Next, 3 could receive the ball from 4 and take the jump shot if open. However, it should be noted that these rules are not absolutely rigid and can therefore be modified to one degree or another, depending on coaching philosophy as well as team personnel. is one of the most popular basketball offenses in todays game. Three (3) moves into low post. The 4 out 1 in motion offense is a basketball offensive strategy that creates scoring opportunities via a variety of sequences such as basketball cuts, basketball screens, and dribble drive action. 5 sets a screen for 2 looping around the block to replace 1. The High On-ball Screen play has been designed for teams looking to add depth to their four out and one in options. Five (5) moves to the point position and sets an on-ball screen for One (1). Don Kelbick's Motion Offense - A Comprehensive Guide to Implementing a Motion Offense, http://www.breakthroughbasketball.com/pr/motionoffense.html. All of that success began when I switched to this four-out, one-in offense. When that occurs, 3 could cut to the right side wing, receive the ball from 1, and take the jump shot if that is open. From there, 1 could receive the ball and take the three-point jump shot if open. If no scoring opportunity is available, the ball can be reversed. Both plays can be run out of the basic 4-out motion offense, without being called a specific name. This leaves 2 in a isolation with a lot of space to work with left and right. Don't be afraid to insert a guard into the post area if they have a mismatch on the inside and they aren't a great three-point shooter. In Week 1 of the Kansas City Chiefs' 2022 season, the offense used a motion that sent wide receiver Mecole Hardman halfway across the line of scrimmage before he turned around and ran back to. In this breakdown, we will take an in-depth look at Villanovas spacing, the motion within their offense, and their go-to concepts they flow into in the half court. It's important to note that all of these positions are interchangeable. The Dribble Drive Motion Offense starts in a 4-out 1-in setup. In order for this offense to be effective you need a solid post player who can be a scoring threat. To start, X1 pressures the ball handler several feet away from the three-point arc. With the post player in the high post, there is no spot for a perimeter player on the top of the key. Next, 2 cuts to the basket while 3 cuts to the right side wing via the screen set away from the ball by 1. Your post player isn't capable of creating a shot for themselves ora teammate. 8 SPC 308 Win / 7.Primed Scrap Hulls - 2,400+ hulls per lot. This is an example of action within the 4 out 1 in motion offense that features a ball screen and stagger screens. A slot-to-wing (1 to 3) pass triggers a thru cut from the slot through to the weak side wing. Alternatively, 4 could receive the ball instead and take the jump shot if open. Always be in 'Attack Mode' - This mentality is crucial for effectively running this offense. Its up to the player coming off the screen on what to do but be sure to remember that one player must fill the spot on the perimeter and the other has to cut. The first option to look for is a rim-attack from the player who advanced the basketball up the court. A straight cut will involve the player filling the spot that was occupied by the player setting the screen. Give them 2-3 seconds per flash then have them go back to the weak side. Villanova's 4 Out 1 in Motion Offense Overview: Jay Wright's Villanova Wildcats consistently have one of the most efficient and effective offenses in all of college basketballas shown by their top ten ranking in offensive efficiency this past season. At the same time, 2 cuts from the wing to the left slot while 1 fills the right side wing area. Also, as that happens, 4 quickly cuts down and out to the left side corner. To begin the drill, 1 cuts to the left side high post elbow via the flare screen set by 4. Coach Valle explains the simple rules that provide a basic structure while creating a variety of scoring options. The 4-out 1-in motion offense consists of 4 players on the perimeter, and 1 player inside. Also, 3 drifts to the left side corner while 5 pops out to the right side short corner. Next, 3 could receive the ball from 5 and take the jump shot if open. A main reason for this success is their 4 out 1 in motion offense, which is a staple of their efficient offense. It's a simple play to run that forces the defense to help from positions they may not be accustomed to helping. High Low Motion Offense Sets with Special Situations Steve Forbes, current head coach at East Tennessee State, has built his basketball knowledge serving as an assistant for some of the game's top coaches including Bruce Pearl, Gregg Marshall . Dont go too deep so the play develops quickly. Alternatively, if 1 is not able to drive closely to the basket, then 4 could cut to the top, receive the ball from 1 via the pitch back pass, and take the jump shot if that is open. Copyright 2001 - 2023, James A. Gels, all rights reserved. This is an example of the 4 out 1 in motion offense that features the flat ball screen once again. Four Out, One In Motion Offense Sloman Basketball 1.25K subscribers 117K views 3 years ago In the Read and React 5-Out offense (50) we see the floor spaced at the point, wings, and corners.. These actions aren't common in the dribble drive offense. Also, the player near the low post block could be representative of the teams center, generally denoted as the number 5. Patience. For example, one post player could be near the slot or the perimeter in general and the other post player could be near the low post block or high post area on the opposite side. When one pass away and overplayed, backdoor cut. This offense utilizes four perimeter players to create great spacing. Spacing is Difficult - With all the dribble penetration, players can find it difficult to read their teammates and keep even spacing around the perimeter. The main reasons why you may choose to leave your post player on weak side are: Even if the post player isnt flashing theyre still a big part of the offense because they can pull down an offensive rebound and score easy points off passes from teammates attacking the rim. Subscribe to our free monthly newsletter to receive three free eBooks with over 270 pages of content! Kleber's 3-point shooting also proved crucial to the Mavericks' success in the first two rounds of the playoffs last year and should now help space the offense with Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving. Also, at the same time, the post player that did not grab the defensive rebound or inbound the ball runs to the rim. This is an example of a basketball drill for the 4 out 1 in motion offense that seeks to develop screening, shooting, and cutting. Additionally, 4 could execute a self replace cut back to the right side slot area. Afterwards, 5 rolls to the basket. Next, 5 could cut across the lane to the left side low post, receive the ball from 3 if possible, and then score via a low post move. From there, 2 and 5 could execute the drill again. 3 slides to the corner while 1 and 4 must move to create a passing angle if the player with the basketball decides to pass out towards the top of the key. Also, when 4 trails the play, at least in this instance, this allows 4 to act as a defensive safety, particularly if 1 executes a live-ball turnover or any other player takes a quick shot, misses that shot, and the opposing team gathers a defensive rebound. Afterwards, 5 could receive the ball from 2 if that is open and score near the basket via a low post move. Those rules are what makes the offense unique and "theirs". If theyre inside the 3-point line, fill to the open corner. To begin, 5 lifts up to set the angle screen near the top. 4. After the low post player receives the ball from a player on the wing, that same wing player should cut as opposed to just standing still. At the same time, post players should generally try to minimize screening actions for other post players, especially near perimeter areas of the court. I titled this post "Motion Offense - Post Player" and in doing so I wanted to emphasize the role of a post player in an offense that places a priority on screening and entering the ball to the high and low post.In this style of offense, we are going to get our paint touches through timely cutting and entries to those post players. These are both great shots that lead to a high points per possession average. Two (2) will read the movement of the defence an either flare or roll to the basket. In this article, you will learn the strengths and weaknesses of this motion offense along with the basics of the 4-Out 1-In Offense to find out if its the right game plan for your team. For good timing and quick passing, screener must pop as the cutterbrushes their shoulder and cut to ball aggressively (sprint back to the same spot you came from). Also, 4 could fill the vacant right side corner after setting the wide pin down screen. Master the Art of Shooting: Basketball Drills for Shooting, Get Back on the Court Faster: Basketball Drills for Injured Players, 5 Essential Basketball Drills for Middle Schoolers, Cracking the Code: Offense vs Junk Defenses in Basketball. Either 4 or 5 can grab defensive rebounds if the opposing team misses the shot or execute the inbound pass if the opposing team makes the shot. The 4-out 1-in motion is run using a set of rules that help players in making their own decisions based on reading the defense. )-We always want the fill the high elbows. Following that, 4 receives the ball from 2 and as that happens, 3 cuts up to the left slot by way of a wide pin down screen set by 5. With the action generally starting with a slot-to-wing pass, Villanova tries to achieve an early post entry most possessions. We're going to avoid all the fancy terminology and keep things as simple and effective as possible. On a baseline drive, 5 must immediately step to the middle of the key to create a good passing angle if their defender chooses to provide help. Your player can either curl off the screen or the straight cut depending on how the defense plays the screen. The one point of note however is that the offensive players involved in the on-ball screening situations must be well drilled in all possible scoring opportunities out of an on-ball screen or they will not be able to meet the demands of using this tactic effectively, and this could become a threat rather than an opportunity. , Injuries are an unfortunate reality of basketball, but that doesn't mean injured players h For this option, your post player no longer has the freedom to flash to the basketball but spends the entirety of the possession on the weak side. In other words, each of the five offensive players should typically fulfill certain roles. Co Generally we run the 4-out motion offense against man-to-man defenses. Notice that O4 back-screens for O2 to occupy the weak-side, helpside defenders. For less detail, see Offence - 4-out 1-in motion summary. This gives the 4-Out 1-In offense the best opportunity to attack the basket off the dribble. Also, as that occurs, 5 should run to the rim as quickly as possible. Weighted vests and sh Five (5) moves to point position and sets an on-ball screen for One (1). as I have seen on your website for the 5-0 m.o. , As a basketball coach, you know how important it is for your players to be able to shoot a This is an example of a quick hitter within the 4 out 1 in motion offense that includes scoring opportunities near the basket or near the perimeter. Again Five (5) has the option of setting a screen for Two (2) on shuffle cut to basket. For pros to the 4-Out 1-In Offense click here. If none of these options are open, 1 can reverse pivot and pass out to 4 who has filled cut across to fill their original slot position as a pressure release. The 1-4 Patterned Motion Offense is a fantastic basketball play for teams to utilise. If there are no opportunities to attack from the top of the key, the players in the corner cut to the wing to receive the basketball. DIAGRAM 1: The basic alignment is a 1-3-1 set with 4 starting at the right elbow, while 5 is on the opposite post, diagonal to 4. Receive 72 drills, 32 plays & 7 shooting workouts! The post player with a mismatch (5 in this scenario) will cut across to the ball-side and battle for front position on the low block. As that happens, 3 receives the ball from 4 and following that, 4 cuts to the left side corner. From that point, 5 could receive the ball from 2 or 3 via a post entry pass and then 5 could score near the basket with a low post move as the third scoring option during transition. Off this play call, 2 cuts to the wing and receives the pass from 1. Rick Torbett - the 19-foot arc is your read-line, as soon as your defender steps on or over the line then rear cut, don't wait for a pass. The diagrams initially demonstrate full court primary break scoring options and then flows into half court scoring options during secondary break action. Starting off similar to the previous diagram, 1 dribbles toward the left side wing. Additionally, Williamson and Tyree Appleby were the first Deacon pair to net 20 or more points since Jan. 11 when the team defeated Florida State at home. Next, 1 dribbles toward the screen but rejects it and then dribbles toward the basket near the right side of the floor. On this dribble penetration, the same rotations apply as in option A. Do You Recommend The Motion Offense To Youth Teams? If they see an opportunity (or simply want to keep the defense honest), they flash to either the high or low post depending on where the ball is on the court. The 4 out 1 in motion offense is for personnel that can play 4 players outside and have 1 player in the post. Furthermore, 5 could receive the ball from 4 and score near the basket or 3 could receive it instead for a potential three-point jump shot. Four times four is equal to? 4-Out Motion also gives the perimeter players a chance to attack their defender due to the spacing of the offense. O5 seals the defender and then cuts to the hoop and receives the pass from the corner for the lay-up. As a side note, if the opposing team made a shot, 4 would simply catch the ball as it goes through the basket ring and execute the inbound pass as mentioned previously. This is a basic example of the 4 out 1 in motion offense that features a slot to wing pass and a low post feed for scoring opportunities. The now popular "dribble-drive motion offense" uses a 4-out set and very little screening. Also, if a player, and more specifically, a post player, is one of the teams best screeners or one of the teams best players in terms of scoring from the low post, then those particular players should try to execute those actions whenever possible. If neither of these options are open, 1 looks to pass out to the perimeter to 2 or 3 as they slide up from the corner. However, this time, the screening action comes from the low post player. If 2 or 3 receives the ball from 1 but the jump shot is not available, then 5 could establish position near the low post block on the strong side. But it does not work well till today. Look to pin when ball goes to the corner too. Post Entry and "Rip" 3. 4-Out Motion can be ran by any team. For example, John Calipari's Dribble Drive Motion has certain rules. When you pass the ball, basket cut or screen away. When a post player near the low post receives the ball from the wing, that same post player should try to score quickly with a low post move if it makes sense to do so. This gives players space to cut and drive and makes it difficult for the defense to help each other. From there, 1 could become the fourth scoring option during transition and take the mid-range jump shot or drive all the way to the basket for a possible layup or dunk at the rim. The spacing on the court makes it an easy offense to get the ball into the post player who can either score or find an open shooters. This ebook explains all the details of running a motion and gives you lots of ideas for rules to make your own: http://www.breakthroughbasketball.com/pr/motionoffense.htmlI suggest checking out the ebook because that will clear everything up and there's just too much to write here to do a good job of explaining how it works. One-In offense personnel that can play 4 players outside and have 1 in! 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